Umbra: Creating an immersive VR Horror and Puzzle game.
Umbra is a virtual reality (VR) atmospheric horror game created with to explore the game design challenges that make a game scary. It was created as a university project for my dissertation project, "Creating an Immersive Horror Puzzle Game in Virtual Reality".
Umbra takes place inside of an old abandoned house. The player has to find a way to escape the house by exploring each room and solving puzzles. Several participants were asked to play through the game, and answer a brief survey after they completed the game. The user study uncovered some very insightful information about how a horror game should be designed.
All Bournemouth University codes of conduct and ethical practices were followed while creating this project. The 3D models shown in this project were downloaded from the Unity asset store.
All results and research for this project can be found below in the linked PDF.